How To Be A Digital Entrepreneur

What is Digital Entrepreneurship?
Work out of the bedroom anywhere in the world. Digital entrepreneurship is a business in itself. It can be a very lucrative business where you can make money 24/7, world-wide. You can work on a team or you work as a solo entrepreneur. It is such a broad field and there are many opportunities to take advantage of. Digital entrepreneurs are making a lot of money and you can too.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Table of Contents
*** Click Below To Jump To Section ***What is Digital Entrepreneurship?
Your Products Or Services, What Are You Going To Sell?
…..Selling Physical Products Online Are Many Times Cheaper Than Selling In Retail Stores.
…..You Can Sell Digital Products Which Require No Inventory.
…..If You Have No Product To Sell Then You Can Sell Other People's Products.
Your Online Business, Create A Website To Start It Up.
.....You Need A Domain Name For Your Website.
.....You Need A Host To Manage Your Website.
.....You Need A CMS (Content Management System) To Design Your Website.
…..Get All Three Above (CMS, Domain Name, Website Hosting) for FREE For Life.
…..But If You Want Somebody Else to Develop The Website For You Then Fivver Can Help.
Bring Traffic In To Sell To, Your Marketing Strategy.
…..Social Media Is Another Great Way To Bring In Customers.
…..SEO Is One Of The Best Marketing Methods To Bring In Traffic.
Your Products Or Services, What Are You Going To Sell?
Whether you plan to sell products and services the physical way or the digital way, online is a perfect way to sell them. And you can do it from the comfort of your home.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Selling Physical Products Online Are Many Times Cheaper Than Selling In Retail Stores.
Retail stores have a lot of overhead in terms of real estate, emploxyees, and the like. Selling online has much lower overhead and because of that, your prices can be more competitive than the retail outlets who need to cover their expenses (especially paying for brick-and-mortar retail stores) by marking their products at higher prices. Yes, you have to ship them out if physical but that is still way lower than expenses on a brick-and-mortar store.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***You Can Sell Digital Products Which Require No Inventory.
One of the best products to sell online are information products. No inventory required. It can be an ebook, audio course, CD’s, DVD’s, books, training classes, seminars, and podcasts (Joe Rogan does podcasts well). The reason why is because there is almost no cost to reproduce. You can make a nice video, podcast, or ebook by yourself for example. They can be sent to customers thousands of times and requires no inventory. They are simply stored in files on the computer. They are easy to deliver like a simple download and cost practically nothing to distribute. Because of no inventory or distribution costs, the only cost your gross sales need to beat is the cost of marketing which is the break even point practically.
You can make this digital product yourself or hire someone to make it for you, like Fiverr. They are like a jack of all trades service and anything you need, they can help whether it is product creation, technical coding, business processes, setting up a website, etc. Use them to get the ball rolling fast.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***If You Have No Product To Sell Then You Can Sell Other People's Products.
What if you don’t have a product to sell or don't have the resources to create one? No worries, there are ways around it. You can simply sell somebody’s else product. Here is one example. You see all these mom and pop business or other types of business that need customers. Most of them believe that if you build a better mousetrap that the world will beat a path to their door. That is not usually the case. They need to market their product or someone to promote their product. That is where you come in. Actually we have one for you right now, Fiverr. You refer people to their site which helps business get established and you get a commission. That is called "Affiliate Marketing". You did not create the product or service but you sell it for them. You would be their affiliate and simply bring people to get help from their excellent list of talented workers. They are very good at what they do and you might want them to help you set up your own business. Here is the link for that: Fivver - Expert Help Setting Up Your Business. If you like what they do, then why not sell their services to others for a profit? You get paid for it. It is easy, simply write an article, give a podcast, or whatever method you like best to communicate with your readers about Fivver and have links on your website that will take your readers directly to Fivver where your readers can buy a service or something. You'll automatically get a cut of the sale because the links credit you with the sale.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Your Online Business, Create A Website To Start It Up.

You should get a website if you want to be a digital entrepreneur. Don't know how? Then it is back to Fiverr, ask them to set up one for you. Or you can do it yourself. We can show you how. A few things you will need for that.
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You Need A Domain Name For Your Website.
Try to think of a good name that people will remember. Domain names like or are catchy and easy to remember. And usually short names do better than long names. Your website will need a domain name and you can buy and reserve a name that only your website can use. There are plenty of domain registrars you can buy from, some good, some bad, and some ugly. We especially like Shinjiru and reserved our own domain names there. They are completely trustworthy and will guard your domain name and keep it safe. Check them out here - LINK.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***You Need A Host To Manage Your Website.
Your website needs a host to run on. They call that website hosting. A host takes care of all the processing inside the website while it is running. A hosting company hosts your website so people can see it, anywhere in the world. Your domain name will reside there. There are domestic hosts (inside your country) and offshore hosts (outside your country). There are some compelling advantages of using an offshore host that you might not be aware of. We wrote an article on this, check it out below.
—> Best Website Hosting Companies Internationally
You Need A CMS (Content Management System) To Design Your Website.
There are many types of CMS you can use to develop your website. Some are easier than others. You got a couple of ways to use your website for business. One way is to sell your own products, so your website would be a eCommerce website (you sell your own products and take payments). Another way is to just promote other business and they sell (you get a commission by just bringing people to their websites). You call that Affiliate Marketing which is different than eCommerce. Now, if you want to sell something online yourself then that means you are doing eCommerce and you need a CMS that can develop an eCommerce website where you can take payments. Or instead of eCommerce, you can just have a blog and promote other vendor products (Affiliate Marketing). Or you can even do both, blog and eCommerce. There are many ways to make money so it would be best if you have a CMS that is completely flexible to enable you to use whatever features you need. If you just want a blog for a website to write articles and promote other business (Affiliate Marketing) and don't want to get into selling your own products (eCommerce), then the CMS we have recommended for just blogging only is Ghost CMS and see our article on that.
But I want to get into eCommerce and sell my own products or services. Or I want to do both. Which site has the best eCommerce CMS that can do Affiliate Marketing also?
We got an answer for that below.
Get All Three Above (Domain Name, Website Hosting, and CMS) for FREE For Life.
We have done a lot of research on this and it would be wise to check out what we believe is a hidden gem and what we consider the best eCommerce website builder out there. And it also has a blog where you can do Affiliate Marketing also if you want. Have you heard of Shift4Shop? If you haven't, you should. They have probably the best deal we have ever seen for eCommerce and Affiliate Marketing and you get all three for free for life, domain name, website hosting, and CMS under certain conditions. We tell all about it here. Check it out below:
—> Searching For The Best E Commerce Sites
But If You Want Somebody Else to Develop The Website For You Then Fivver Can Help.
Don't know how to design a website? No problem, let the experts develop one for you at Fiverr. Give them a call and they will be more than happy to create an excellent website for your business. Not only do they do that but they have experts on many other business and tech areas so you can use them for multiple things.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Bring Traffic In To Sell To, Your Marketing Strategy.
Once you have something to sell whether it is a physical product or a digital product, you need to market it. Here are some options:
- You can pay for advertising online to make people aware and bring in traffic.
- You can use social media and spread the word.
- You can use a SEO tool (Search Engine Optimization) to discover what key phrases the people type on Google to search. Then you can write articles having those key phrases. As a result, your business will come up on their screen when they search.
Let us discuss each further.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Advertising.
You can pay for online advertising to bring in people. There are many ways to advertise and your sales pitch can vary depending on the product. Perhaps you want to display a sales letter to make people aware what you have to offer. If you plan to use a sales letter then we have a few tips for you on that. The concept can be also applied to all forms of other advertising too.
There are some key tactics that will make your advertising pay off in that sales letter. And there are some tried and true tactics to bringing in customers that almost always works.
First of all, you need a headline. And headline is 85% of the ad. It needs to catch their attention. If people don’t find it interesting they won’t read the rest of the ad. Focus on creating an ad that the customer can relate. Get him to read the whole ad. Intensify his desire to read.
One of the best headlines start with is “How To ….”. These types of headlines have sold millions of products and work like a charm. They are considered the safest type of headline.
Another type of good headline are ones that challenge the reader some way. Create a headline like “If you can ___, then you have everything you need to successfully do ____”. For example “If you can laugh, then …”. What this type of headline does is that it immediately allows the reader to think that he can do it because he already has what he needs to be successful in some way. Your headline helps the reader believe he can do what your headline suggests. It is a very good psychological expression that makes the reader feel good.
Second of all, you need a good ending to your advertisement. At the very end, your advertisement would do well to have a P.S. to close it. P.S. works because it is the last thing that the reader looks at and most likely remembers. It is your last chance to sell to the customer. Use it wisely.
When writing your ad, focus on the customer and not yourself. Use the word “You” rather than “I”. This is about the customer and your ad needs to place it that way.
Doing these small things can greatly improve your advertising performance.
Repeating Yourself Is Sometimes A Good Idea.
When you are marketing online you want to provide links to the order page multiple times throughout your advertisement and not just one time. Simply mentioning the exact same buy now link multiple times throughout the advertisement has been proven to increase sales over 20% alone.
A Guarantee Reassures The Customer, And It Really Does Work.
You want to give the customer a money back guarantee in case they are not satisfied. It is a good selling point and most people do not return the item anyway.
Free - Design Your Own Ads, Photos, And Drawings Using Canva.
Canva empowers you to make your own designs for free. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Check them out. You can also upgrade to Canva Pro which is the design software that makes design simple, convenient, and reliable. Create what you need in no time! Jam-packed with time-saving tools that make anyone look like a professional designer.

Social Media Is Another Great Way To Bring In Customers.
Perhaps you already have a few social media accounts such as FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like. You can easily set up a business page and point people to your website. Also joining social media groups online can spread awareness. Simply give everybody a link to your website and you got incoming business to make money with. You can even simply just post online giving readers your website link. If you talk good and people listen to you, people will start coming to your site. Remember the movie called Field Of Dreams with Kevin Costner? There was a famous saying in that movie that always stuck with me when the character Terence Mann encouraged Ray to build a baseball field and said people will come see it. Terence said "If you build it, they will come." Same thing here. Build your website, bring people to it by promoting it by advertising, social media, or even better yet SEO which we talk about next.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***SEO Is One Of The Best Marketing Methods To Bring In Traffic.
Once you figure out what niche you want to be in, then you can work on positioning yourself as an expert in that area. You can find out how big that market is by using keyword research online. What you want is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This enables you to research the best key phrases that the public are using for searching on Google and other search engines. You copy those phrases and put them in your sales pitch, advertising, and website. Then when people use the phrases to search, your business will appear before them in their search results where they can click the links there that will take them directly to your website. One of the best SEO tools you can use for that is Mangools. With Mangools, you can type some words related to the area you are interested in doing business. It will show you how popular each key word that you type is, how many people are using that phrase. and how difficult is the competition for those phrases. You pick the best keyword phrases and base your business on them. Then when people search using those keywords, your business comes up online and traffic starts to head toward your way.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Conclusion.
Digital Entrepreneurship can be very enjoyable and it can open up your creative side. What are your passions? Why not channel those passion for whatever it is into a business where you can actually enjoy working on it? When you have passion on something, people can tell. You'll have fun building on your passion and there can be many avenues where your business could grow in. It is the best way to do business, something you believe in. If you work hard at it, you can make good money at it.
To get your online business rolling you see the below:
- You need to buy a domain name for your website - Shinjiru.
- You need to buy a hosting service to manage your website - Website Hosting.
- You need to buy a CMS to design your website - Ghost CMS.
- Or you can get all three above (domain name, website hosting, CMS) for FREE. Read all about the amazing deal Shift4Shop has here - Searching For The Best E Commerce Sites.
- If you want to delegate the work on the website setup or other business tasks to a third party then contact Fiverr.
- When your website is up and running, you want people to find it. You can enable that by paying for advertising, spread the word on social media, or use the best method of them all, SEO (Mangools) to make your website business appear when people use certain keyword phrases in their Google search. As a result, they will click on the search results and be taken directly to your website.

P.S. - If you are still not sure how to do setup your website or have some other kind of issue, then contact Fiverr. They can help you get the ball rolling. They also have courses where you can learn on every aspect of your business, in case your want to learn how. If you need help on something they probably have it. We consider them to be the best one stop shop on the web for web needs. And if you want to make good money by promoting them, then join their Affiliate program and start your business now.

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