Best Offshore Website Hosting in 2023

A Few Things You Should Know.
If you maintain an online presence you should make sure you are well diversified geographically. In other words, you should use the flag theory. Stated simply, different country = different flag. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket or country. Smart people internationalize their internet presence and you should too. Spread yourself out. Diversify.
Table of Contents
*** You Can Click Below To Jump To Section ***A Few Things You Should Know.
VPN and Email.
Website Domain Name.
Where Should Your Website Be Hosted?
Onshore Website Hosting.
Offshore Web Hosting, a legitimate alternative.
Depending on your resource needs you can choose from a variety of services.
Feature Comparision Of The Best 22 Offshore Website Hosting Companies
The Links To The Best 22 Offshore Website Hosting Companies.
Web Hosting Company Ads.

VPN and Email.
You need excellent offshore VPN and international email services that provide outstanding security and privacy. We recommend Protonmail for this. Both their VPN and email services are offshore and top notch. We use them ourselves for both personal and business purposes. You can even start with them for free.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Website Domain Name.
You should already know that owning a “.com”, “.net”, “.org”, .or “.us” domain means that your domain name is subject to US laws, no matter where you are based. Those types of domain names are not safe from government confiscation if something goes wrong. Perhaps you are not worried and if so then feel free to go with the famous “.com” domain. Or maybe you want to look at alternative domain names for whatever reason. For example, notice that our website is using the domain name “.ro” at the end. That is under the country of Romania which has excellent safeguards. Either way, research further and choose wisely.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Where Should Your Website Be Hosted?
You start looking for where to host your website. Your site needs to be hosted somewhere so it can function. Where should it be? Onshore or offshore and why?
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Onshore Website Hosting.
You look at hosting services located onshore and domestically but then you start finding out things that may trouble you:
- Freedom of speech laws - The country your website is based determines the freedom of speech laws you are subject to. Don’t rest too easy thinking your government won’t take down your site.
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) exists to protect content creators. Anyone can send your host a DMCA notice asking the host to take your site offline, even for the slightest of infractions.
- Cyber laws - Restricting your activities.
- Tax - You are taxed based on the location of your hosting server, even if you are a qualified expat outside of that area.
- No privacy and invasive surveillance - more regular than ever before.
Sometimes providers have terminated web hosting services because of some legal conflicts. Access to your site can be cut off. Even if you’re not doing something illegal, it can be a situation of shoot and ask questions later. Harmful actions by government and other institutions could permanently destroy your business, causing loss of customers and damaging your reputation.
For instance, the US government went after Backpage, the second biggest classified advertising service in the USA after Craigslist. Hosting service for it was shut down by an aggressive government. Many legal and legitimate website businesses can suffer devastating losses too.
It doesn't have to be that way.

Offshore Web Hosting, a legitimate alternative.
Offshore website hosting is the method of hosting your website on offshore servers located outside your own country and jurisdiction. Usually, this is done in order to achieve a specific goal related to privacy, security, safety, free speech, flexibility, or simply more freedom. All are good reasons to look for services that host offshore.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***There is a great deal of advantages and legitimate reasons to use offshore website hosting for your website business. Here is why:
- DMCA Free - Offshore website hosting companies are very good at ignoring all DMCA requests notices they receive. After all, they are not under your country's laws. And they want to keep their customers. As a result, your website gets excellent protection from frivolous attempts to shut you down.
- Wide Acceptability Policy - Generally, an offshore host is lenient in regard to the content and activities allowed on their servers.
- Cost Savings - Offshore hosting can be less expensive than hosting onshore. Furthermore, you may be able to take advantage of foreign exchange rates. When you combine lower overheads with the leverage of a good exchange rate, your hosting costs can be quite a bit lower.
- Freedom of Content - Some content may not be allowed in one country but is perfectly legitimate in another.
- Freedom of Speech - You can speak your mind. What is not permissible in your country could be allowed in other countries. For instance, some news reporting that shine the light on some things, can be sensitive in some places but not others.
- Reliability - Some countries have better infrastructure than others. For example, The Netherlands, is rated as the world’s third-highest-quality infrastructure compared to the US which ranks at number eleven. Better infrastructure means better uptime, faster pipelines, better performance, and better business.
- Website Performance - Regarding website performance metrics, strategic location of your server in a country closer to the majority of your website traffic improves the speed. Every moment counts. In fact, if it takes 6 seconds for clients to load your website instead of 3 seconds, then you lose 40% of your clients. Slow performance means loss of clients. Every second you can save will mean more people stay on your website. Offshore hosting has some of the fastest web hosting in some areas. For instance, off shore VPS has some of the best performances.
- Cheaper Prices - Most offshore data centers are located in such countries where there’s very little tax on digital products. As a result, you can get your server at a very cheap price. You can also find cheap cpanel hosting.
- Privacy - Many Offshore hosting providers value data privacy of their customers immensely, and the laws of the country in which it is located reflect this value as well. Many don’t permit corrupt or non-corrupt entities from retrieving data to serve their benefits at the cost of clients’ privacy in any form. It is nice to know that somebody, somewhere, is on your side.
- Anonymous Web Hosting - In a time where invasive surveillance is more regular than ever, a little anonymity can only help. Offshore internet hosting is well known in preventing identification theft. You want an anonymity website? Your best bet is in offshore hosting.
- Many other good reasons too - Global exposure, independence of cyber laws, double back-ups, various anonymous payment methods, and many other benefits.

Depending on your resource needs you can choose from a variety of services.
The most common types include:
- Shared Hosting - Cheapest. Some of the offshore companies also have shared hosting Linux.
- VPS (Virtual private server) - You get a "piece" of the server and more resources, all protected.
- Offshore dedicated server - More expensive than a VPS, but highest performance. Full use of the physical server, 100% control over the configuration. You can even get a special IP address. With offshore hosting you get more than just satisfactory server hosting.
- Cloud Hosting - You can find cheap cloud hosting offshore, even cheaper than onshore.
- DMCA FREE - Search for hosting companies who can ignore DMCA requests to stop your website. This is known as DMCA ignored hosting. Offshore hosting excels in this area. Look for things like VPS ignore DMCA that can protect you.
- DDOS Protection - Keep you safe from Denial-of-service attacks. Several offshore hosting companies in our list have DDOS protection free. No charge. Check our spreadsheet near the bottom of this page - Feature Comparision. Look for free DDOS protection there.
- Domain register - Reserve your domain names offshore too.
- KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) - If you're a Linux user and looking for kernel based virtual machine, this is for you.
- Unlimited bandwidth.
- Control Panel - cPanel, DirectAdmin, Plesk, etc.
- Colocation - Several offshore hosting offer hosting colocation. See our Feature Comparision spreadsheet below for more information.
- Email Hosting
- FTP, SSH, SSL Root shell, SEO, etc.
- Chat Support

Feature Comparision Of The Best 22 Offshore Website Hosting Companies.
After extensive research we came up with a list of 22 outstanding Offshore website hosting companies. We have found the best offshore hosting to meet your needs. And with so many excellent features, we decided to list them all in spreadsheet format for your convenience below. Here you can compare features of each hosting company. You can get cheap offshore hosting that offer better services than onshore.
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The Links To The Best 22 Offshore Website Hosting Companies.
We have listed the links to these excellent hosting companies. Click on their names to go to each of their sites.
- Blue Angel Host
- FlokiNET
- Abelo Host
- W3space
- UnderHost Networks Ltd.
- Koddos
- CCI Hosting
- Khan Web Host
- Offshore Dedi
- Orange Website
- Yohost
- Visual Web Technologies
- Shinjiru
- Interserver
- HostSoch
- Bitcoinwebhosting
- Hostpoco
- HosterPlan
- Fastcomet
- R3esolutioninfotech
- Lyrahosting
- UnitVPS
(For UnitVPS, get your discount on order page by entering Discount Code 5QG6OP26GM)
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Conclusion.
The above spreadsheet gives you an excellent overview of the the features of all 22 offshore hosting companies. If you find one that fits your needs simply go to our list above to click directly to the hosting company's website to buy their services or you can click on one of their ads below. Offshore Hosting is an excellent way to diversity your online presence. It allows you to reduce your risk and increase your privacy. It would be well worth your time to check out how offshore companies can meet your needs.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Web Hosting Company Ads.








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