The Best Electric Lighter, One Of The Coolest Lighters Ever

In our electric lighter reviews, we have found a good one. Among the best lighters, the all electric Tough Tesla Lighter 2.0 stands tall. Another great quality product from the ever diligent Survival Frog company. It is one of the best plasma lighters and possibly the best survival fire starter we have seen.
We have a video on this below, check it out.
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*** Click Below To Jump To Section ***Introduction
This Is The Best Outdoor Lighter, And Tough As Nails.
.....How is it in windy conditions?
.....How about wet conditions like storms, rain, lakes?
.....What about power? Butane, gas, or external batteries?
.....What if the night is pitch black and difficult to see?
.....How about starting things up at the fireplaces?
.....What about the need to alert others?
.....What about the size?
.....Any Cons?
.....Got a 30 day return guarantee?
Video Of The Tough Tesla Lighter 2.0
BUY - The Tough Tesla Lighter 2.0
This Is The Best Outdoor Lighter, And Tough As Nails.
When camping, there are times when the weather is not kind. When it is windy and pouring down rain, things can get soaked. You want to make sure you are still able to light up things whether you need to start a fire, light up a lantern, or fire up a torch. You need a fire starter that can perform even in the harshest conditions. When looking at cool lighters, the Tesla is one of the coolest lighters we have come across, even rivaling the coolest zippos available.
How is it in windy conditions?
This is the best windproof lighter you can find. Its top-facing dual arcs does not blow out. As a result, it is the best arc lighter in the business, lighting up things five times faster than single arc lighters. With a simple push of a button, you can touch it to anything and you got instant fire. It will work regardless of which altitude you are at, whether in the mountains or in the valleys. In a crisis when you need things done fast, this can be the best fire starter for survival.
How about wet conditions like storms, rain, lakes?
Thankfully, this is the best fire starter for wet weather. It has been proven to work in the middle of storms. It is a shockproof windproof waterproof lighter. Drop it in the lake and it still works. It will light up even with water splashing around it. Rock solid and built like a tank. If you run a truck over it, don't be surprised to see it working normally as if nothing happened. It is made up of zinc alloy contained in a high-quality rugged ABS plastic case. And there is a wire safety latch built in. This is the best lighter for camping and outdoors in our opinion.
What about power? Butane, gas, or external batteries?
No, none of those. As the best rechargeable lighter, you got no maintenance cost at all, thank you very much. It is one of the best USB lighters. You can charge it up in just 2 hours flat with the USB. It has a powerful 3.7V, 220 mAh internal battery, permanently rechargeable. No need to purchase batteries, ever. It has a safety feature that will shut off after 10 seconds of use, just in case you forget to turn it off. After 300 uses, simply recharge it for another go.
What if the night is pitch black and difficult to see?
No worries. It has its own built in flashlight, which really gives a brilliant and bright illumination.
How about starting things up at the fireplaces?
Easily done, it is one of the best fire starters for camping and includes its own para-tinder neck lanyard that helps. Anything that touches the dual arcs flame up immediately.
What about the need to alert others?
Already taken care of. It has its own 120 decibel scream whistle which can be heard at least a half mile away.
What about the size?
Weighing just 2.1 oz, it sits nicely in your hand. Its size is perfect and makes it one of the best pocket lighters. Carry it anywhere.
Any Cons?
It doesn't have a battery indicator to let you know when it needs to be charged up again.
Got a 30 day return guarantee?
Better than that, how does a 6 month "any reason" refund guarantee sound to you?
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Video Of The Tough Tesla Lighter 2.0
Video Of The Tough Tesla Lighter 2.0
BUY - The Tough Tesla Lighter 2.0
As a prepper, you want to be prepared for anything and this nifty tool would be a handy addition to your equipment. It is one of the best lighters in the world for rough weather. Smart survivalists and campers carry different types of lighters and not just rely on one. Regarding the best lighter survival wise, it depends on the situation. You would be more prepared when you have several options to use.
Survival Frog is one of the largest and most trusted source for survival and preparedness products online. They carry the largest selection of survival food and hundreds of cool outdoor and preparedness products, shipped directly from their warehouse in Denver. As they are always coming out with the latest products, be sure to check out their new products page frequently.

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